A perfect match of
wisdom & innovation

Wisdom is guaranteed with years of experience and innovation is an outcome of new wave of thoughts. Amore, being a family owned business has a team which is a blend of both. This combination helps us to make the correct decision which is backed by thoughtful experience and agility. The outcome is always perfect.

A.R. Shaikh

He is the founder and director of the AR Amore group. It is his vision which has made the AR Amore group a synonym to passion. Being in the real estate business since past 25 years has made him a man of experience and he rightly understands the real estate business. His strong business acumen combined with proactive sense has not only given him a competitive advantage but has also made him a pro in the real estate business. AR Amore is an outcome of his perseverance and vision.

MD Aslam Shaikh

Md. Aslam is a young entrepreneur and a visionary. He is the director at Amore. His thoughts are like a dash of new wave in the AR Amore group .He is creative and innovative and rightly senses the new generation requirement. With new ideas comes strong commitment and passion, Md. Aslam is a combination of both

MD Rafique Shaikh

His passion to take the AR Amore group to new heights is simply unparalleled. Coordinating on plans and visualizing the big picture is what he is known for. Md. Rafique is a good mix of enthusiasm and passion in the group.